Legal warning

General information

JAIME DURÁN, S.A, with registered office at 08018 Barcelona, Bac de Roda street, numbers 135, with CIF A-08788838. ENROLLED in the Mercantile Registry of Barcelona, Volume 5247, Book 4554, of section 2, page 24, page 55.074, 1st registration, is the owner of the portal which is made available to all those users who They intend to work with us or want information about the services we provide.

For the purposes of any communication regarding the services offered through this website, you can contact:

JAIME DURÁN, S.A. –  N.I.F.: A-08788838

Calle Mare de deu de Nuria, 11 08830-Sant Boi de Llobregat (Barcelona)


Telephone: 93 377 16 18  FAX: 93 377 18 73

Company authorized by the Waste Board of the “Generalitat de Catalunya”. Manager code: E-1790.19 / E-830.03 – Carrier code: T-211

Website content

The information included in the website has followed the requirements stipulated by the Law for its preparation, but in no way does that imply that it has to be necessarily detailed, complete, accurate or kept up to date, due to the variations that may occur in the regulations, jurisprudence or other documents of interest considered. The use of the information provided through this website is the sole responsibility of the user, not being JAIME DURÁN, SA, in any case responsible for any errors or omissions that may exist as well as the application or specific use that may be made of the same.

Copyright and industrial property rights

All industrial and intellectual property rights of this website, as well as the elements contained therein (which include, among others, text, images, audio, video or software) belong to JAIME DURÁN, S.A. or, where appropriate, to third parties. The user will be able to visualize such elements and even print them, copy them and store them on the hard disk of his computer or on any other physical support as long as it is, solely and exclusively, for his personal and private use, being, therefore, strictly prohibited his use for commercial purposes, its distribution, as well as its modification, alteration or decompilation. JAIME DURÁN, S.A. It is a registered trademark whose use is absolutely prohibited.


JAIME DURÁN, S.A. does not assume any responsibility for the links to other sites or web pages that, where appropriate, could be included in the same, since it does not have any control over them, so the user accesses the content under his sole responsibility under the conditions of use that govern them. JAIME DURÁN, S.A. will provide you periodically with a selection of the specific legal provisions that apply to you, as well as the identification of the corresponding legal requirements.